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When You Feel Insecure In Your Relationship

You would think that after you have been married, your insecurity about your relationship should dissipate. That the longer you stay together, it should resolve itself. Unfortunately, I have not seen this to be the case. Granted, I know that my view may be skewed. People who are happy and secure in their marriages don’t show up at my door. …

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To The Woman In A Difficult Relationship

‘I think I’ll marry a difficult guy and have a difficult relationship…’ said no one ever. And yet, several women in my practice, my friends, and acquaintances find themselves in difficult relationships.  There’s this book by Mira Kirshenbaum- “Too Good To Leave, Too Bad To Stay.” It’s supposed to help a woman make a decision about staying in or leaving …

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Setting an intention for your relationship this year

Most people set goals or resolutions every year. They’re usually personal. Not as many set an intention or goal specifically about their relationship. Whether you’re in a difficult relationship, or you’re in a great relationship in a difficult spot, every relationship can benefit from some intention. If you’re in a difficult place, the last thing you Probably want to do …

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How to forgive yourself for the dumb things you did this past decade

As we enter this new year, I reflect on cherished memories of all the wonderful decisions, opportunities and experiences this decade held for me. I encourage you to do the same. But I can’t help but remember some of the really dumb things I have done. Some are funny like the time I accidentally mailed my mom’s birthday gift to …

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How Not To Be Bitter

I recently had a client who’s in a very difficult relationship. “He made me the angry, bitter woman that no one can stand,” she said. And it’s true. She is kind of bitter. So how can you avoid becoming this person? Acknowledge that you are bitter The first thing to do is acknowledge that you’re bitter, that you’re feeling bitter. …

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Woman, Quit Trying To Save Everyone!

A friend confided in me today that her 17 year old daughter is pregnant. My heart aches for her and her daughter. I remember being 15 and pregnant and how scary that time was for me in my life and how it shaped me into who I am today. I can only imagine what it must have been like for …

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How Busy Women Fool Ourselves Into Thinking We Are Happy

So you’ve been told that you need to get educated, get a great job, get married, buy a house, get a raise, make babies and juggle all those balls for many years and that will make you happy. On most days, you are getting it done and on most days you are feeling okayish. Afterall, you have the job and …

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How To Get Out of A Funk

A funk is not the same as a clinical depression, but sometimes, it feels like it. I remember soon after my son was born, something was bothering me and I was all prepared to sink into a funk for a few days like I always did. But, I had this kid. I remember thinking, how can I be in a …

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It’s never too late to live your best life

Most of us have dreams, ideas, passions that we would love to pursue. We think of them from time to time, then we tell ourselves, “but I can’t do that!” You make up a reason: I’m too old, I don’t have the education, I don’t have the connections. Do you feel that you’ve wasted parts of your life not doing …

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Is your busyness like a drug?

I know firsthand how useful busyness can be in your life. We wear it as a badge of honor, but it can also be a shield of protection. Just like any drug, it starts out small, unintentional. No one sets out to become an addict. But slowly,  a growing realization happens – mostly subconscious, that busyness numbs your pain and …