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Healing From Relationship Breakdown Trauma Through Poetry

 In this episode, I interview poet, Emily Bridget Taylor about her journey of healing from divorce and marriage breakdown trauma. She gives encouragement to women in a difficult relationship or having just ended a difficult relationship. She shares how poetry or any kind of creative expression can help healing. She also shares two beautiful poems at the end of …

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Professional Tips To Emotionally Get Over A Divorce After A Long Marriage

Guest Post, written by Arlene Westcott No one goes into a marriage thinking they’ll ever have to face a divorce. Regardless of the reason, divorce can shake the whole constitution one has built a lot of time and effort on. Many people who have gone through this emotionally taxing process find themselves lost and unrecognizable. Therapy can guide you in …

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6 Ways to Cope with Grief in a Marriage

Guest Post, written by Sarah Kessler One of the best parts of marriage is that you face challenges as a team. And one of the hardest things we face in life is the loss of someone we love. When grief happens, it can affect everything in your life, including (and sometimes especially) your relationship or marriage. If you are grieving …

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Making Joint Decisions in Your Relationship When You’d Rather Not

Decisions are tough to make when you’re single. They’re doubly tough when you’re a couple. Toss in a little conflict and they can feel downright impossible.  And it’s no surprise that you don’t agree. If you subscribe to the idea that we marry our opposite- it’s actually a little more complicated than that, but let’s just say we marry our …

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Consider This Before You Promise To Change For Your Partner

Here’s the scenario. Something happened. You messed up again. Your partner gave you an ultimatum or you hit rock bottom on some level. Maybe the scale screamed a number bigger than you have seen or even want to admit. Maybe your boss gave you a subtle warning that your job could be on the chopping block. Maybe you woke up …

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Are You Crazy or Are You Being Gaslighted?

I once had a client who came in because she was having problems in her relationship with her significant other. All the signs were screaming at her that he was being unfaithful. It was glaringly clear, but every time she confronted him about it, he blew up in anger, accusing her of being overly sensitive, insecure and explained that it …

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How to Know if You Have Unrealistic Expectations of Your Husband?

At least a couple of times a week, a client who is feeling some type of angst about a relationship will ask me, am I expecting too much? Am I being realistic? And I’ve noticed, it’s often the ones that ask that are being completely realistic with their expectations. It’s the ones that don’t ask and are already convinced their …

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Are You Becoming Your Husband’s Mother?

I might step on some toes today, but it’s in your best interest, so get ready. Are you acting like a mother or a wife to your spouse? Is your daily mantra a constant telling him to do the things- back seat driving, taking over his tasks because you’re “better at it”, asking him to pick this up, put this …

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How to Restore an Estranged Family Relationship

My heart has been heavy with so many people in my life- friends and clients alike who feel distance and estrangement in their relationships. Something has happened, whether it was a clear breach or a slow distancing. Moms who feel hopeless about being able to connect with their children- sisters estranged. It may take longer than you want and the …

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Five Relationship Myths That Keep You Unhappy

1. If I tell him what I want him to do, then it’s not genuine if he does it I often have this conversation with my clients: “What are your needs or what do you want from him?” I’ll ask. She usually has no problem telling me what that is. Then I ask, “have you laid all of that out …