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Why All The Relationship Advice Isn’t Working For You

I have been listening to relationship podcasts, following other relationship experts on social and all of them give very good advice, but as I have been consuming it, I found myself realizing NONE of it will work with certain relationships. None of it! That why so many women find themselves frustrated, hopeless and feeling like there is something wrong with …

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How to Make Peace With Uncertainty in Your Relationship

I remember being a young newlywed and I was young- 19 when I got married. My husband is significantly older than I am and he had a close friend in her 40’s. She was divorcing her husband of 20 years. I remember thinking: How could someone divorce after that long?  I immediately thought, what does that mean for my marriage? …

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When You Compare Your Relationship and Yours Comes Up Short

I used to be that girl who felt jealous of other’s relationships. You know, THOSE couples who finish each other’s sentences, do everything together, say they never fight, are truly the best of friends – maybe even wear matching outfits on vacations- are joined at the hip and say they wouldn’t want it any other way. The ones who make …