Dr. Zoe Shaw“I am a Licensed Psychotherapist, Author, Speaker and Complex Shame Expert”

Hi, I’m Dr. Zoe. I have been curious about people and their behavior since I started “studying” psychology as a 4-year-old, sitting in my mom’s psychology class in college.

I have been on my own personal journey of overcoming shame. As I healed and helped others heal, I developed a treatment plan for healing what I call Complex Shame.

In my personal life, I am an outspoken, busy mom of 5 kids (2 at home- one with special needs). I am currently parenting college aged adults, a teenager and a pre-teen. For me, there’s never a dull moment!

I have been a licensed psychotherapist with a doctorate in Clinical Psychology for over 20 years and it’s my great joy to help women, just like you, overcome complex shame and co-dependency in order to experience the healthy love you deserve.

My inspiration to become a therapist and coach first came from my Mom, but was quickly followed by my time as a student and athlete at UCLA.

As an athlete, I have had a mix of coaching, from unskilled to elite Olympic Coaches. I draw on this experience to help clients through their own life challenges. In my practice, I offer you a mix of traditional therapy to help with areas that are difficult to overcome (and are likely rooted in the past), as well as Relationship and Life Coaching skills to help you achieve the goals you are seeking.

Being an athlete gives a different perspective on what it takes to affect change in one’s life. Great coaching offers some clues that can illuminate the path for getting to your goals.

Here’s what a good coach can do for you:

A good coach studies his athlete with the purpose of learning how to best motivate his athlete because he understands that everyone is motivated differently.

A good coach knows how to ride the fine line of pushing his athlete so that they develop strength and supporting them to prevent injury.

A good coach capitalizes on his athlete’s strengths and learns to help the athlete minimize their weaknesses.

When I work with clients, I see a side of humanity that most people don’t witness on a regular basis. It is an honor to do this work. It’s not only beautiful but also deeply rewarding. I possess a unique empathy for others because I strongly believe that all behavior makes sense in its context.

This belief precludes me from judging your choices (let’s just get rid of shame!) and makes me curious with you about your life and why you made the choices you did. From that place, we can learn from your past and make better decisions in the future- transforming your life and relationships into your dreams!

If you’re ready to explore your own path, what you want from the future and how to achieve your goals, I can help. Schedule a session and we can explore together the work you want to do and how I can be of assistance. Please email me at zoe@drzoeshaw.com or call me directly 818-535-9601 for an appointment.