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How to Restore an Estranged Family Relationship

My heart has been heavy with so many people in my life- friends and clients alike who feel distance and estrangement in their relationships. Something has happened, whether it was a clear breach or a slow distancing. Moms who feel hopeless about being able to connect with their children- sisters estranged. It may take longer than you want and the …

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When he talks to his baby mama in secret

I get a lot of questions from partners who say that their boyfriends or husbands talk to the baby mama in secret and this is painful. This is a pain point in relationships and it’s damaging relationships so I gotta address it. So whether you’re the girlfriend, wife, or the dad: listen up! These issues affect your relationship and I’m …

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Hard to hear advice for the wife dealing with baby mama drama

Dealing with baby mama drama as a wife is very different from dealing with baby mama drama as a girlfriend. As a wife you should be a permanent fixture, so you deserve the respect of that position.  But, don’t let that idea of respect get to your head, okay?  There’s a lot of other facets going on that you’re goin …

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Is Baby Mama Drama Hurting Your Relationship? Here’s How To Fix It

So your man is a pretty wonderful guy. Things are going so well. You might have even married him. What in the world could mess this up? Oh, the mother of his kids! Baby mama drama began with the start of civilization- think Abraham from the bible. Sparks were going off between Sara (his wife) and Hagar (baby mama). Abraham …

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6 Survival Tips For Moms Going Back To School

So, you’ve decided to take the plunge. There have been a million reasons over the years why you couldn’t go back to school, but now, all the stars are almost aligned (Let’s face it, there’s never a truly perfect moment) and it’s finally your time. Of course, you are feeling those little butterflies in your stomach. You are excited about …

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How To Make A Stressed Mom Happy

We all know if mom isn’t happy, no one is. A staggering 70% of mothers report feeling stressed out most of the time ( If you are married to a stressed out mom, you may be wondering, how can I make my wife happy so we can all get our comfy lives back? First let’s understand why she is stressed …

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Must Have Sex Conversations With Your Teen Daughter

Are you that mom who would rather stick an icepick through your eye than talk to your teen daughter about sex (seriously, it doesn’t have to be that bad)? Or maybe the idea of sex conversations makes you squirm a little. We need to talk, girlfriend! First, let’s talk about why you need to have the conversations. Notice I said …

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When Parenting Is Disappointing, Try This

Is this taboo? Can I talk about when this joyous thing called parenting is disappointing? Whether you have a newborn who is screaming all night or a 40 yr old adult child living downstairs, there comes a point (well, many of them maybe) when a parent thinks, wait- this sucks! Before you get offended, let me acknowledge that talking about the not …

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How Your Body Teaches Your Kids About Prejudice

Why does it feel so uncomfortable to talk about race and racism in this country? Deep down in our gut we know that something just isn’t right and that makes us squirm. Humans strive for internal consistency and when it’s not there, we become uncomfortable. A part of our mind knows that we are all really one family- the human …