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10 Apps for Long-Distance Couples to Stay Connected

Guest Post, written by Farlyn Lucas Sometimes, work throws our relationships a curveball by making distance a thing temporarily. Careers like corporate employees, or in healthcare like traveling nurses, can face unpredictable work schedules. Without communication technology, this often puts a strain on relationships. Instead of relying on outdated chat software, using the best relationship apps for couples will provide …

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Professional Tips To Emotionally Get Over A Divorce After A Long Marriage

Guest Post, written by Arlene Westcott No one goes into a marriage thinking they’ll ever have to face a divorce. Regardless of the reason, divorce can shake the whole constitution one has built a lot of time and effort on. Many people who have gone through this emotionally taxing process find themselves lost and unrecognizable. Therapy can guide you in …

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6 Ways to Cope with Grief in a Marriage

Guest Post, written by Sarah Kessler One of the best parts of marriage is that you face challenges as a team. And one of the hardest things we face in life is the loss of someone we love. When grief happens, it can affect everything in your life, including (and sometimes especially) your relationship or marriage. If you are grieving …

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Your Two Competing Drives That Sabotage Your Relationship

Did you know that when you are interacting in your relationships, you have two competing internal parts that influence your interactions? It’s often why relationships feel so complicated. And to further muddle things up, your partner also has two competing parts that you are communicating with. These competing parts are the drive to connect and the drive to protect. It’s …

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What to Do While You’re Single and Waiting for Love

Many of the things I write about are not new- maybe my spin on them is unique. But ultimately, I am holding space for this one moment in time for you to focus on this aspect of your life. You have probably been doing all the things- focusing on yourself, self care, upleveling. You feel like you’ve got a good …

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Five Relationship Myths That Keep You Unhappy

1. If I tell him what I want him to do, then it’s not genuine if he does it I often have this conversation with my clients: “What are your needs or what do you want from him?” I’ll ask. She usually has no problem telling me what that is. Then I ask, “have you laid all of that out …

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When your relationship is changing what do you do?

It’s painful when an important person in your life stops showing up in the same way. How do you hang on to a relationship and yet let go at the same time when things have changed? Maybe you’re a mother and your child is getting ready to start kindergarten. Your baby has morphed into a school-aged kid and needs you …

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When You Compare Your Relationship and Yours Comes Up Short

I used to be that girl who felt jealous of other’s relationships. You know, THOSE couples who finish each other’s sentences, do everything together, say they never fight, are truly the best of friends – maybe even wear matching outfits on vacations- are joined at the hip and say they wouldn’t want it any other way. The ones who make …

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How Strong Women Keep Promises To Themselves

Do you make a promise to yourself and break them over and over again? When you don’t keep your promises to yourself, you send a powerful message to yourself about your trustworthiness. When you don’t trust someone, it permeates into all areas of trust with them and this disrupts your relationship with yourself and your relationship with others. In short, …

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Making Space for Your Sadness When Everyone Wants You Strong

I’m seeing a trend of general sadness with my clients as the world opens up. And if they’re feeling it, my guess is that you may be too. It seems we should be celebrating, but many are telling me that they feel there was nothing to celebrate. So much is uncertain and people are feeling a general funk. So how …