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Is Authenticity Fake Strength?

Is authenticity fake strength? Is authenticity another way to overshare and accept something in ourselves that doesn’t further our greatest potential? Or is it a means to connect with others in a deep way. The answer is yes and yes. But how do we ride that line? So whether you are a boss, an authority figure, or just a woman …

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You’re Not Broken, Just Bent

You are not broken, just bent. I can distinctly remember a few times in my life where I felt like I just broke. Literally. It was almost an audible sound and physical snap deep in my core. Maybe that’s happened to you too. But, I didn’t really break. There was a shift, yes. Nothing would ever be the same again, …

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Strong Woman, It’s Time For Some Reckoning

Strong woman, it’s time for some reckoning. I saw this post on Sherri Hunter’s Instagram page. It was written by @Lesliedwight What if 2020 isn’t canceled? What if 2020 is the year we’ve been waiting for? A year so uncomfortable, so painful, so scary, so raw- That it finally forces us to grow. A year that screams so loud, finally …

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Every Season Matters (Coronavirus Pandemic)

This weird season- this waiting season in which we are all cocooned is not a waste. I know this because every time I felt that I was in a holding pattern, for every time I know my life was derailed from its purpose, through my regret, I can look back and see what lessons I learned, what growth occurred, what …

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Why Strong Women Have More Anxiety

Your anxiety is not a reflection of your strength and your anxiety is not a deficit in your faith. I put a video out on instagram where I talked about why your anxiety is not a deficit in your faith. I got a a lot of good feedback from women that the video spoke to them. I encourage you to …

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Stop Trying To Control It All

How many times have you said or thought the words “Just let me do it”? One of the most challenging things for a strong woman who strives to have things a certain way in her life is that she’s also often a control freak. That’s not a clinical diagnosis and I don’t really like the word freak added to the …

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To the mom terrified of homeschooling her kids (Coronavirus Pandemic)

Due to the current Corona crisis, everyone is stuck at home. Kids can’t go to school, so Parents have been forced into homeschooling. I’m a homeschool mom, but don’t write me off as not understanding your situation. Although I’ve homeschooled four out of my five children at various times over the last 15 years,  I am currently only homeschooling my …

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Finding strength in uncertain times (Coronavirus Pandemic)

  Most of us have someone that looks up to us. Whether it is a child, a relative, someone we manage or an employee. We women are leaders. I did a podcast about recognizing our place as leaders, you can listen to it here. But sometimes, especially in times like this (Corona Virus pandemic), being a leader, being a strong …

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It’s the things you don’t say that damage your relationship

The things we don’t say in relationships are the things that get us in the most trouble. Common knowledge is that it’s the words that slip out of our mouths that get us into the biggest trouble.  But I’m flipping the script today.  It’s those little hurts left unsaid. He forgets to say goodbye when he leaves in the morning. …

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Strong Woman Myths

Strong Woman Myths My mother was a stay at home mom. She loved her work. She felt very passionate about her role as a mom. But she came from a time when the lines were more impenetrable between stay at home moms and working moms. Now, we have hybrid lives. Things aren’t as black and white. We have co-sharing positions, …