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Why All The Relationship Advice Isn’t Working For You-image

Why All The Relationship Advice Isn’t Working For You

I have been listening to relationship podcasts, following other relationship experts on social and all of them give very good advice, but as I have been consuming it, I found myself realizing NONE of it will work with certain relationships....

How To Own Your Extra When You Feel Like Too Much-image

How To Own Your Extra When You Feel Like Too Much

At least once a week, a woman in my practice says, I feel like my needs are just too much. I felt like too much as a child and I feel like too much in my marriage or with my...

How Strong Women Keep Promises To Themselves-image

How Strong Women Keep Promises To Themselves

Do you make a promise to yourself and break them over and over again? When you don’t keep your promises to yourself, you send a powerful message to yourself about your trustworthiness. When you don’t trust someone, it permeates into...

Making Space for Your Sadness When Everyone Wants You Strong-image

Making Space for Your Sadness When Everyone Wants You Strong

I’m seeing a trend of general sadness with my clients as the world opens up. And if they’re feeling it, my guess is that you may be too. It seems we should be celebrating, but many are telling me that...

Why Being a Strong Woman Is Not Enough-image

Why Being a Strong Woman Is Not Enough

Strong woman. -This term is thrown about so much that I’m even a little sick of hearing it. Were the pioneer women, the immigrant women, the slave women who are the foundation of this country, who built this country with...

The Curse of Capability- How To Keep Your Talents From Ruining You-image

The Curse of Capability- How To Keep Your Talents From Ruining You

When I was a little girl, I was told that God gives us talents and we are not to squander them. I took that super seriously. Really seriously! I believed that if I wasted my talents, I would wake up...

Removing Chaos From Your Life When You’re a People Pleaser-image

Removing Chaos From Your Life When You’re a People Pleaser

Are you feeling overcommitted? Irritable? Do you feel like you find yourself taking on too much or saying yes and then feeling overwhelmed- like there is no space for you in your own life? Here’s the truth and it’s okay...

What Strong Women Do With Regret-image

What Strong Women Do With Regret

Regret. That six-letter word can immediately garner up images long pressed down and forgotten. There are two types of regrets. Big R regrets and little R regrets. The little regrets can be habitual regrets that eat at your self-esteem, like...

Your Anxiety And Depression Has Nothing To Do With Your Faith-image

Your Anxiety And Depression Has Nothing To Do With Your Faith

Let me tell you why your faith has nothing to do with your anxiety. Jesus, who is described as fully human and fully God, sweat blood on the night that he died. This is a severe anxiety reaction. He is...

Emotional Spring Cleaning – How to Emotionally Declutter Your Brain-image

Emotional Spring Cleaning – How to Emotionally Declutter Your Brain

About a year or so ago, I became obsessed with the idea of minimalism. I read minimalists books and set about finding ways to declutter my space, take up less and live more simply. I believe I developed this bent,...


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