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Transforming Your Shame Into Purpose | Diana Patton, Esq.

Diana Patton, Esq. is the embodiment of a strong woman who didn’t life’s circumstances squash her light. She is an attorney, motivational speaker, and an advocate for humanity who’s committed her life to helping those in need; specifically, young women and youths. Her unique background has helped her form a life of protecting other people from infringement. In this episode, …

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Do You Even Know Yourself? | Dr. Zoe Shaw

If you don’t continually develop yourself as an individual, you will stagnate in multiple areas of your life. If you’re not working with a coach or therapist, you’ll need to go the DIY route and that starts with understanding why you behave, think, and react in the way that you do. In this episode, I’m explaining how you can get …

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Why No Relationship Will Make You Happy | Dr. Zoe Shaw

It is not anyone else’s job to make you happy; it’s yours. This week, I’m talking to every woman and about every kind of relationship. In this episode, I break down the four crimes you’re committing against yourself when you assume that else should be making you happy, explain what the true point of a relationship is, provide the two …

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Why Be Thankful If Your Life Sucks? | Dr. Zoe Shaw

If you’re already feeling low a part of you probably feels a little resentful towards the idea of finding something to be thankful for. However, since you’re reading this and possibly going to listen to this episode, I believe there is another part of that wants to feel hope. I don’t know your life, but I do know what it’s …

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It’s Never Too Late to Live Your Best Life | Dr. Zoe Shaw

Most of us have dreams or passions that we want to pursue, but we talk ourselves out of them for one reason or another. We’re too old, too inexperienced, too far behind others, etc. The stories we tell ourselves about our limitations and what we’re not capable of come true. You’re setting the story and you can write your next …

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The One Question You Need to Ask to Stay Present | Kevin Murphy

Kevin Murphy is a former Wall Street Managing Director, speaker, coach, community activist, and the author of The Three Rooms: Change Your Thoughts, Change Your Life. His book was the inspiration for this episode and why we’re talking about how the things you think affect your entire life. In this episode, we discuss how Kevin got the idea to write …

How to Deal When the #MeToo Movement Triggers Your #MeToo Memory | Dr. Zoe Shaw

It’s safe to say that nearly everyone in the US, and several other places around the world, are familiar with the #MeToo movement. It’s been an incredibly powerful movement, but it’s also been a very emotionally charged movement. The purpose of this episode is to address what the #MeToo movement might be doing to you and how it may be …

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10 Things Strong Women Always Do | Dr. Zoe Shaw

When I think of a strong woman, she is someone who fights expectations, bounces back from adversity, is grounded in her faith, knows who she is, recognizes the strength in asking for help, and respects herself and others. When thinking about, working with, and admiring these strong women, there are 10 character traits that stand out. These traits are present in all …

Raising Great Girls: Perfection Not Required | Darlene Brock

Darlene Brock is the President and Co-Founder of the Grit and Grace Project. She is also a Co-host of the This Grit and Grace Life Podcast. In a previous point in her career, Darlene was the Chief Operating Officer of a record label and produced award-winning music videos. When reviewing her incredibly successful career, Darlene says her most important and …