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The Fastest Way to Your Best Self | Dr. Zoe Shaw

I’m not really a fan of the term “best self” and I feel like we’re all usually striving to be our best selves but, for the purpose of today’s episode, it really just means that person that you know deep down you’re meant to be. As someone who’s constantly seeking growth, I think about things like this all the time. …

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20 Things Strong Women Do | Dr. Zoe Shaw

I know from my years of working as a therapist, that many women are not strong and sometimes we lie to ourselves that there is strength in our sacrifice, but sometimes that’s an excuse to keep doing the easy thing. Strength can be built, but it must be intentionally built and this is exactly what I help women do. It’s …

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Are You Afraid of Your Feelings? | Dr. Zoe Shaw

I’ve been a practicing psychotherapist for 18-19 years now and one of the biggest issues that my clients present in therapy is a fear of their feelings. They don’t realize they have this fear, but they do and you might as well. In this episode, I explain how I know my clients have a fear of their feelings even they …

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Why Feeling off Balance Is Okay | Dr. Zoe Shaw

Do you ever just feel a little off balance? Do you ever feel like that elusive work-life or mama-woman balance isn’t possible for you? Well, it’s time to embrace the chaos and that’s exactly what I’m talking about today. In this episode, I’m explaining how balance is just a construct, why it’s completely okay to feel out of balance at …

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Strong Women Give Ultimatums | Dr. Zoe Shaw

Ultimatums have a bad reputation and when I started thinking about this topic, I googled it as I always do as part of my prep for the episode. I was shocked to read article after article about how much damage ultimatums cause in relationships. In this episode, I explain why an ultimatum isn’t necessarily a bad thing and how it …

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Are Dreamers Losers? | Dr. Zoe Shaw

Shondra Rhymes started out her 2014 Convocation Speech to Dartmouth by saying, “Dreams are for losers.” I loved that speech and still find myself inspired by it, so I wanted to talk about it in today’s episode. However, I want to be clear that I never encourage anyone to call anyone else, including themselves, a loser. So, I’m not calling …

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The Power of an Unmade Decision | Dr. Zoe Shaw

We all have decisions we have to make all the time and there is power in the unmade decisions due to the amount of stress they cause. In this episode, I’m not going to help you finally make a decision. What I am going to do is help you explore why you haven’t made the decision and possibly find some …

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The Gifts in Your Dark Place | Melissa Maimone

Melissa Maimone is the author of The Radiant Midnight: Depression, Grace, and the Gifts of a Dark Place and Gathering Dandelions: Meditations and Musings on Faith, Fracture, and Beauty Mistaken for a Weed. In this episode, Melissa talks about her journey with depression and her struggle with understanding why God didn’t take away her depression after she asked Him to, …

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How Are You Holding Yourself Back? | Dr. Zoe Shaw

What if the words you speak to yourself are so offensive that it makes you not want to cooperate with your own self? If you are finding that you are stuck and not accomplishing something you want to in your life, this is probably the case. In this episode, I discuss the different ways you might be speaking to yourself …