It’s never too late to live your best life
Most of us have dreams, ideas, passions that we would love to pursue. We think of them from time to time, then we tell ourselves, “but I can’t do that!” You make up a reason: I’m too old, I don’t...
Most of us have dreams, ideas, passions that we would love to pursue. We think of them from time to time, then we tell ourselves, “but I can’t do that!” You make up a reason: I’m too old, I don’t...
I know firsthand how useful busyness can be in your life. We wear it as a badge of honor, but it can also be a shield of protection. Just like any drug, it starts out small, unintentional. No one sets...
You’re reading this because there is something in your life that you have an inkling you need to let go. Whether it’s a job, a relationship, a dream or a life path, you know you really shouldn’t be...
Life is what happens while we are busy making other plans. Change is hard. If only the good times would stay forever. Some women seem to be able to roll with the punches while others curl up in a fetal...
I recently sat with a client who was devastated over the loss of a dream. This door was clearly closed in his life and there was no real chance of him ever achieving it. There is very little in life as painful...
Change. It is a certainty. It never ceases to amaze me how life can completely change in the blink of an eye. It invigorates me and leaves me a little terrified at the same time. We often go about subconsciously believing that we will live...
What have you always wanted to do? What do you dream about doing that you dismiss or put off or tell yourself that it can’t happen now or you just have to wait until the time is right? Everyone has...
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