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Removing Chaos From Your Life When You’re a People Pleaser-image

Removing Chaos From Your Life When You’re a People Pleaser

Are you feeling overcommitted? Irritable? Do you feel like you find yourself taking on too much or saying yes and then feeling overwhelmed- like there is no space for you in your own life? Here’s the truth and it’s okay...

What Strong Women Do With Regret-image

What Strong Women Do With Regret

Regret. That six-letter word can immediately garner up images long pressed down and forgotten. There are two types of regrets. Big R regrets and little R regrets. The little regrets can be habitual regrets that eat at your self-esteem, like...

How To Stay Strong And Trust Again When You’ve Been Hurt Before-image

How To Stay Strong And Trust Again When You’ve Been Hurt Before

This article is inspired by a question I received from a listener. First, I love receiving your feedback and am always happy to address your questions. I knew many women would relate to her question, so decided to make an...

Why Strong Women Stay in Bad Relationships-image

Why Strong Women Stay in Bad Relationships

Today I’m talking about why smart, strong women stay in LOW-quality relationships and what you can do about it. I’m not talking about physically abusive relationships, although some low-quality relationships do have some verbal or emotional abuse. I’m talking about...

Are You Romanticizing Your Relationship?-image

Are You Romanticizing Your Relationship?

I love Dr. Maya Angelou’s quote “When people show you who they are- believe them”. It’s so good because most issues we have in relationships are that people will tell us who they are, but we decide to create a...

Newly Single? How to Financially Get Over Your Ex-image

Newly Single? How to Financially Get Over Your Ex

This article was originally published at by Laura Gariepy | Feb 25, 2019 Breakups are painful and confusing. All of a sudden, your life is completely different and you now need to deal with everything on your own —...

Why No Relationship Will Make You Happy-image

Why No Relationship Will Make You Happy

  Why He Can’t Make You Happy I am talking to single women, married women, dating women- all women here! No relationship can make you happy!   When someone says to me – “He just doesn’t make me happy anymore”.......

Here’s How To Know If Your Boyfriend Is A Charity Case & Not Marriage Material-image

Here’s How To Know If Your Boyfriend Is A Charity Case & Not Marriage Material

What is a fixer? A fixer is someone who feels best when helping others. If they see someone who is less fortunate, their first inclination is to try to remedy the situation. They have a keen sense of the unfairness in...

Abstinence. What About Sexual Compatibility?-image

Abstinence. What About Sexual Compatibility?

So, a client got me thinking. He was discussing waiting until marriage to have sex. He expressed his respect for that choice, but also his concern as a dating, single male. He said, “What if I marry her and then find out that...


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