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Setting an intention for your relationship this year

Most people set goals or resolutions every year. They’re usually personal. Not as many set an intention or goal specifically about their relationship. Whether you’re in a difficult relationship, or you’re in a great relationship in a difficult spot, every relationship can benefit from some intention. If you’re in a difficult place, the last thing you Probably want to do …

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Why No Relationship Will Make You Happy

  Why He Can’t Make You Happy I am talking to single women, married women, dating women- all women here! No relationship can make you happy!   When someone says to me – “He just doesn’t make me happy anymore”…. I always cringe a little inside.   I even cringe when someone says “he makes me soo happy”, because inevitably, …

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How To Work On Saving Your Marriage When You’re Doing It Alone

When your marriage is in a free fall of disconnectedness, anger, or resentment, it can feel like you are standing on the sidelines watching a train wreck, helpless to stop it. It’s terrifying. Even worse, if your spouse has already asked for a divorce, you may be feeling like the end is inevitable. Let me give you the good news …

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When Your Friends and Family Can’t Get Over the Affair

No one knows for sure, but it is estimated that affairs affect 40- 70% of all marriages. Most affairs are eventually discovered. During this devastating time, people often disclose the affair to friends and family in search of necessary support. So what happens when it’s you?  Your partner cheated. You are devastated. You run out and tell your friends and family. This …