PODCAST, Stronger in the Difficult Places

The 4 Communication Styles That Predict Divorce

You may already heard of Dr. John Gottman as “the guy that can predict divorce...


Hi! I’m DR. Zoe

I help women overcome Complex Shame™ and co-dependency so they can experience healthy love and freedom.


You may already heard of Dr. John Gottman as “the guy that can predict divorce with over 93% accuracy.”

After watching thousands of couples argue in his lab, he was able to identify specific negative communication patterns that predict divorce. He called them The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse, and they are criticism, contempt, defensiveness, and stonewalling.

In this episode, Dr. Zoe goes deeper into those Four Horsemen and also share with you the first step toward improving or enhancing your marriage.


Mentioned In This Episode:

Dr. Gottman website

Dr. Zoe Shaw on Instagram

Dr. Zoe Shaw on Facebook

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