Dr. Zoe Shaw Life Coach, Relationship

Self Talk Program

New You New Self Talk Mind Shift Program

Finally live the life you imagine that other woman is living! Change your self talk and transform your life.


Say mean things to yourself, but don’t know how to stop it?


Think of a time when you know your self talk got the best of you and sabotaged something really important (a job interview, a relationship, a business or a dream?).


Tired of holding yourself back because you can’t get control of your self talk?


You may be great at setting goals, starting relationships, or following your dreams, but it is impossible to accomplish them and keep your resolutions if you don’t get in control of your self talk.Your self talk drives everything in your life.

I used to have crushing anxiety and fear. I have trained myself to be my best coach, supporter and encourager. I have trained myself to no longer fear public speaking. I have trained myself to show up in my relationships- all by getting crystal clear about my self talk.

You may look outside of yourself to fix these issues, but the reality is that you speak to yourself more than anyone speaks to you and you speak to yourself more than you speak to anyone else. That makes YOU your biggest influencer. For good, or for bad.

In fact, as researchers are discovering that placebos are more effective than actual medication, the pharmaceutical industry has been left worrying about the profitability of its industry. Prozac, a commonly prescribed antidepressant, and other long-tenured prescription drugs are often proven less effective than placebos. WhyBecause your brain believes what you tell it consistently.

Have I convinced you that your thoughts are powerful yet?


It’s not easy to change a lifetime of speaking to yourself in a certain way. If you try to strong arm it, you will quickly revert and feel more disappointed than ever.

I know you’ve tried your best. You may have even tried therapy and affirmations. Unfortunately, you can work in therapy for years without hyper-focusing on your self talk.

Therapy is effective, but it can take a while because you’re also talking about other pressing issues. Time is limited and there is a lot going on in your life. With this course, you are diving deep into your self talk and tackling it from it’s beginning.

The awesome thins is that once you own this course, you can take it over and over again, whenever you need a refresher.

  • Uncover the confidence to show up in your daily life.
  • Get rid of the fear that keeps you from moving forward with your goals.
  • Keep your resolutions and accomplish your goals
  • Get out of co-dependent relationships
  • Set healthy Boundaries
  • Learn to love yourself
  • Ask for what you’re worth
  • Finally live the life you imagine that other woman is living
  • accomplish your goal of starting that business, starting or finishing school, switching careers, ending the relationships or getting that promotion
  • ULTIMATELY You’re going create a new script which will be the foundation to live the life you were born to live.

In order to really understand how your self talk works, you have to be able to recognize the things you believe strongly that you were never taught.

  • Learn to understand the difference between your rules and beliefs (both unspoken and spoken) and how they drive your self talk. HINT: The unspoken things you learned in childhood affected you more than the things that anyone said to you.
  • Understand your personal scripts and automatic thoughts and how to change it.
  • Learn how to erase fear through understanding how your thoughts create it.
  • Uncover some things you say to yourself that you aren’t even aware of
  • Learn how to control your feelings through changing your thoughts.
  • Learn how to stop psyching yourself out.
  • Learn how to keep negative self talk away for good.
  • A completely personal and customized list of affirmations that directly attack your negative self talk.
  • Tools to apply if negative self talk tries to creep in.
  • A completely new outlook on your own personal power.
  • The tools to completely change how you view and experience your life and relationships.

All for less than the price of one therapy session!

In fact, our thoughts are the single most powerful influence on ourselves.

They determine whether we have confidence or we don’t- whether we take that chance or we don’t. Whether we love someone or we don’t. Our thoughts drive our lives.

The amazing news is that you are in control of your thoughts. It’s time to change them!

Now that I have brought it to your attention, you will probably start noticing your negative self talk more often. That’s actually good! It’s a reminder that you’re ready for this course.

“Dr. Zoe, Thank you for sharing your fight of empowering other women, including myself and resonating our internal significance that we may have forgotten”
– Love52dove

Frequently Asked Questions

The course starts January 7th 2020 and never ends! It is a completely self-paced online course – you decide when you start and when you finish.

How does lifetime access sound?
After enrolling, you have unlimited access to this course for as long as you like – across any and all devices you own.

I would never want you to be unhappy! If you completed all of the videos and worksheets and truly don’t see any value in changing your self talk, then contact us in the first 30 days and we will give you a full refund.